Rosa Parks played a pivotal role in the Montgomery bus boycott, and her act of defiance became an iconic moment in the Civil Rights movement. Introduce key stage 1 children to this important figure with our cross-curricular topic about activists, or study biographies of Rosa Parks in Year 4 with our English planning focussed around narratives of liberation. So, we want and certainly can teach about Rosa Parks in KS1, but how shall we do this without falling into simplistic and possibly falsified interpretations? That’s the challenge. The story of Rosa Parks fits well within an inclusive history curriculum and is probably best suited to treatment in Year 2 where schools are expected to link the Some should be used to compare aspects of life in different periods [for example, Elizabeth I and Queen Victoria, Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong, William Caxton and Tim Berners-Lee, Pieter Bruegel the Elder and LS Lowry, Rosa Parks and Emily Davison, Mary Seacole and/or Florence Nightingale and Edith Cavell] Every year on her birthday, the 4th of February, people commemorate Rosa Parks and the impact that she had on the civil rights movement in the United States and around the world. On this day, why not teach your KS1 children about this inspirational individual and why she was such as important figure when it came to the rights of Black Americans. Our Rosa Parks Day Resource Pack has a range of If you’re teaching pupils about the civil rights movement, then Rosa Parks is definitely a name they should become familiar with. This famous activist made her mark on history and improved the lives of many people, all thanks to her brave act of defiance. Our Rosa Parks timeline activity provides a fun, simple way for pupils to learn a bit about her life and what she accomplished. Suitable Download the Rosa Parks Worksheet PDF Click the link below to download the free Rosa Parks worksheet and start exploring the life of this important figure in U.S. history. This PDF file includes more worksheets of other civil rights leaders and inspirational people from Black history. Rosa Parks KS1 lesson plan and worksheet (fill in the blanks worksheet to go with video about Rosa Parks). There is a PDF of all of the files and an editable version of each file (you just need to delete the watermark logo from each of the editable files). Pupils are pitched straight into the role as history detectives using mainly visual clues to piece together the possible reasons why Rosa Parks might be famous to then have their initial thoughts confirmed by a teacher told story of the seminal event of 1955 which pupils then act out. To complete the ‘Rosa Parks Sat Still’ lesson plan, you can make a Rosa Parks Bus Book. This allows children to creatively re-cap the story, including sequencing the events in the correct order, and gives them a lasting reminder of this historic event. To make the book: Print the Rosa Parks Bus Book printable – see below for details. If you want to teach your children about the 'First Lady of Civil Rights' then this KS1 History Rosa Parks Video Lesson will give you all the important information. This lesson video includes activities that will boost their knowledge and spark curiosity about Rosa Park's life. The benefits of this video lesson include: Children can listen to the story of Rosa Parks life and her civil rights Planning, Assessment and CPD KS1 Rosa Parks Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity Explore more than 250 "Rosa Parks" resources for teachers, parents Pupils are pitched straight into the role as history detectives using mainly visual clues to piece together the possible reasons why Rosa Parks might be famous to then have their initial thoughts confirmed by a teacher told story of the seminal event of 1955 which pupils then act out. Rosa Parks KS1 lesson plan and worksheet (fill in the blanks worksheet to go with video about Rosa Parks). There is a PDF of all of the files and an editable version of each file (you just need to delete the watermark logo from each of the editable files). ROSA PARKS. Rosa Parks was a prominent civil rights activist who lived during the mid-20th century in the United States. She was a strong advocate for racial equality and worked tirelessly to challenge the system of segregation, which legally mandated the segregation of People of Colour and White individuals in various public spaces. Planning, Assessment and CPD Early Years CPD Hub EYFS Planning EYFS Assessment. Explore more than 24 "Rosa Parks Ks1" resources for teachers, parents and pupils If you want to teach your children about the 'First Lady of Civil Rights' then this KS1 History Rosa Parks Video Lesson will give you all the important information. This lesson video includes activities that will boost their knowledge and spark curiosity about Rosa Park's life. The benefits of this video lesson include: Children can listen to the story of Rosa Parks life and her civil rights Video summary. Rosa Parks tells the story of her life, showing how her refusal to give up her seat to a white person on a segregated bus changed the rules of American society, and led towards Learning objectives. Children are able to consider the most appropriate ways of celebrating Rosa’s achievements; They can pick out the most significant change she brought about and summarise that on a plaque using a limited number of words. Teach pupils in year 1 and year 2 about Rosa Parks this Black History Month, or at any time. She was an influential member of the civil rights movement in America in the 1950s and 1960s. Her refusal to give up her seat in a bus so that a white passenger could sit down, sparked a year long bus boycott in the town of Montgomery, Alabama. This resource pack will teach pupils in KS1 about Rosa Learning objectives. Children are able to consider the most appropriate ways of celebrating Rosa’s achievements; They can pick out the most significant change she brought about and summarise that on a plaque using a limited number of words.
Articles and news, personal stories, interviews with experts.
Photos from events, contest for the best costume, videos from master classes.