Rosa Parks Elementary School 7525 Wellingshire Blvd. Indianapolis, IN 46217 Map & Directions. Main Phone 317-789-2900; Attendance 317-789-2902; Fax 317-789-2904 Rosa Parks Elementary School 7525 Wellingshire Blvd. Indianapolis, IN 46217 Map & Directions. Main Phone 317-789-2900; Attendance 317-789-2902; Fax 317-789-2904 Rosa Parks Elementary School 7525 Wellingshire Blvd. Indianapolis, IN 46217 Map & Directions. Main Phone 317-789-2900; Attendance 317-789-2902; Fax 317-789-2904 Rosa Parks Elementary School is a public school located in Indianapolis, IN, which is in a large city setting. The student population of Rosa Parks Elementary School is 670 and the school serves PK-5. Rosa Parks Elementary School is ranked within the top 20% of all public schools in Indiana. Serving 670 students in grades Prekindergarten-5, this school is located in Indianapolis, IN. Rosa Parks Elementary School (Ranked Top 20% for 2024-25) - Indianapolis, IN Rosa Parks Elementary School is a highly rated, public school located in INDIANAPOLIS, IN. It has 670 students in grades PK, K-5 with a student-teacher ratio of 14 to 1. According to state test scores, 62% of students are at least proficient in math and 55% in reading. Rosa Parks-Edison Elementary School, a public school located in Indianapolis, IN, serves grade(s) PK, K-5 in Perry Township Schools. It has received a GreatSchools Summary Rating of 7 out of 10, based on a variety of school quality measures. Rosa Parks Elementary School is a public elementary school in Indianapolis, Indiana, serving 670 students in grades PK-5 as part of the Perry Township Schools district. Rosa Parks Elementary School stands out for its diverse student population, with a higher percentage of Asian students (38.21%) compared to the district and state averages. Rosa Parks Elementary School, part of the Perry Township Metropolitan School District, is an elementary school located in Indianapolis, Indiana. It serves students from pre-kindergarten through fifth grade and offers a comprehensive education program that includes core subjects, special classes, and extracurricular activities. Rosa Parks Elementary School Profile and Stats; School Name: Rosa Parks Elementary School: District: Perry Township Metropolitan School District: Address: 7525 Wellingshire Blvd Indianapolis, 46217: County: Marion County: Enrollment: 750: Majority Ethnicity/Race: White: 48%: Free or Reduced Lunch Program: 53.73%: Title 1 School: Yes Rosa Parks Elementary School 7525 Wellingshire Blvd. Indianapolis, IN 46217 Map & Directions. Main Phone 317-789-2900; Attendance 317-789-2902; Fax 317-789-2904 Rosa Parks Elementary School 7525 Wellingshire Blvd. Indianapolis, IN 46217 Map & Directions. Main Phone 317-789-2900; Attendance 317-789-2902; Fax 317-789-2904 school rating (using weighted 2010 test average as compared to other schools in Indiana) from 0 (worst) to 100 (best) is 82. It is the mission of Rosa Park Elementary School to create a positive school culture that is conducive to learning; set high standards and accountability for learning; facilitate and implement an instructional program that maximizes student learning; and comprehensively engage parents and community in support of the school’s goals. The mission of Fayette County Public Schools is to create a collaborative community that ensures all students achieve at high levels and graduate prepared to excel in a global society. Rosa Parks Elementary School is a public school located in Indianapolis, Indiana. It is a school in Perry Township Metropolitan School District district. According to the Indiana state assessment result, 75% of students are proficient in Math learning and 64% of students are proficient in English/language arts learning. Rosa Parks Elementary School 7525 Wellingshire Blvd. Indianapolis, IN 46217 Map & Directions. Main Phone 317-789-2900; Attendance 317-789-2902; Fax 317-789-2904 Welcome to Rosa Parks Kindergarten Academy where your STAR can thrive! We are committed to growing students to be ready for first grade both academically and socially. Our school motto is Treat People Right & Do The Right Thing! We help students understand that living by these words will help them excel. Rosa Parks Elementary School 7525 Wellingshire Blvd. Indianapolis, IN 46217 Map & Directions. Main Phone 317-789-2900; Attendance 317-789-2902; Fax 317-789-2904 Rosa Parks Elementary. 7525 Wellingshire Blvd. Indianapolis, IN, 46217 Map & Directions. Main Telephone: 317-789-2900 Attendance Telephone: 317-789-2902 Fax: 317-789-2904 SCHOOL HOURS
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